period took place in 1550 until 1620. Queen Elizabeth ascended the throne after
Mary died towards the end of 1558. Elizabeth is queen wise. He managed to solve
important problems such as religious, peace with Scotland, the affirmation of
the national government, and achieved accomplishments such as the expansion of
international trade, the strength of the sea, and victories over the Spanish
History of English Literature began with the events of Renaissance, also known as the period of re-learning. Literature period is referred to as Elizabethan as happened during the reign of Queen Elizabeth I in England. This period is expected to occur in 1550-1620 AD
Renaissance period began happening in Italy in the early 15th century and then spread throughout Europe, including the UK. The opening of a new idea, the rediscovery of Greek culture and their thinking becomes the subject matter studied in the Renaissance. In human life felt their rediscovery of dignity, power and strength. In religious life, the power of the former church so very dominating, at the time of becoming obsolete. The discovery of this idea more widespread with the invention of the printing press by Johannes Gutenberg in 1454.
Another thing which became the forerunner of the Renaissance is the opposition to the domination of the Church by Martin Luther who later became the forerunner of the birth of Christianity.
General Characteristics Period Elizabeth
1. Literature at this age are still heavily influenced by the dominance of the church
2. Advances in science and technology and their patriotism is felt today. People no longer think rigid due to the church but has already started to think ahead and be free.
3. Scores Huminisme more swift voiced
Literary Characteristics In periods of Elizabeth
- Learning back sciences give effect to the Ancient Greek literature in the Renaissance. The works in this age is about freedom, religious tolerance, social progress
- At this time the English grammar was much simpler. And the use of language as a means to brainstorm.
- At this time resulted in poetry, prose and drama. However, dramatic works into works that is growing very rapidly. This is due to the emergence of large, global writers such as William Shakespeare, Ben Johnson etc
- In the literature appear to have two features that tragedy and comedy. Comedy generally ends with happiness but sadness or tragedy ends with death.
Literature on this season
- Edmund Spenser (1552-1599) "The" Stanza Spenserian "Faery Queen"
- Thomas Sackville (1536-1608) "The Mirror of Magictrates".
- Together with Thomas Norton he wrote a work entitled "FERREX and Porrez" or "Gorboduc"
- Philip Sydney (1554-1586), known by his works that "gentleman". Then there was George Chapman (1559-1634) with his Odyssey
- Michael Drayton (1563-1631) "Plyolbon".
- John Lily (1554-1606) "Eupheus, The Anatomy of Wit"
- Philip Sydney "Arcadia"
- Thomas Nash (1567-1601) "The Unfortunate Traveller, or the Life of Jack Wilton" (1594).
- Philip Sydney "Apologia for Poetrie"
- Francis Bacon (1561-1626) "Essay" and "The Advancement of Learning"
- Christopher Marlowe: Tamburlaine, Doctor Faustus, The Jew of Malta, dan Edward II. Romeo & Julie
Literary Characteristics In periods of Elizabeth
- Learning back sciences give effect to the Ancient Greek literature in the Renaissance. The works in this age is about freedom, religious tolerance, social progress
- At this time the English grammar was much simpler. And the use of language as a means to brainstorm.
- At this time resulted in poetry, prose and drama. However, dramatic works into works that is growing very rapidly. This is due to the emergence of large, global writers such as William Shakespeare, Ben Johnson etc
- In the literature appear to have two features that tragedy and comedy. Comedy generally ends with happiness but sadness or tragedy ends with death.
Literature on this season
- Edmund Spenser (1552-1599) "The" Stanza Spenserian "Faery Queen"
- Thomas Sackville (1536-1608) "The Mirror of Magictrates".
- Together with Thomas Norton he wrote a work entitled "FERREX and Porrez" or "Gorboduc"
- Philip Sydney (1554-1586), known by his works that "gentleman". Then there was George Chapman (1559-1634) with his Odyssey
- Michael Drayton (1563-1631) "Plyolbon".
- John Lily (1554-1606) "Eupheus, The Anatomy of Wit"
- Philip Sydney "Arcadia"
- Thomas Nash (1567-1601) "The Unfortunate Traveller, or the Life of Jack Wilton" (1594).
- Philip Sydney "Apologia for Poetrie"
- Francis Bacon (1561-1626) "Essay" and "The Advancement of Learning"
- Christopher Marlowe: Tamburlaine, Doctor Faustus, The Jew of Malta, dan Edward II. Romeo & Julie
January 09, 2018
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