Tuesday, January 9, 2018

"As You Like It" a Criticism: William Shakespeare (1599-1600)

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 The drama was written by a famous medieval poet Father William Shakespeare. This drama is a comedy drama written about 1599-1600.  If translated into Indonesian it means Manasuka.

The story is set in a forest as it is told in a short film of the class of English literature class of 2016, which illustrates that this story happened in antiquity in Europe. The period that still brings the kingdom system and the inheritance of the throne to the child and the descendantx.

From the appearance of the actors who are ad in the video, they themselves are being falsified with appearances as if made to deceive. Sticks illustrate a jungle adventurer.

The conflict in this movie takes place between you. Due to an inheritance from his parents who only controlled by his brother alone and not give it to his other brother. This creates displeasure with the younger sister, choosing to run to the forest.

this story represents a royal system in medieval times that treasures and thrones are always a bone of contention even though it must shed the blood of fellow brothers. Human greed for luxury requires that they remove their rivals. In the royal world not all families will be happy, but on the contrary can also feel tortured due to power struggle and property.

This story also represents the present world which tends to reach power and possessions in a way that is not true. Get rid of political opponents in a very dirty way so no more rivals. 
Although this story is a comedy drama but also alludes to the social conflicts that occurred in his time. Conflict can happen from within and without us knowing it.

Although this story is a comedy drama but also alludes to the social conflicts that occurred in his time. Conflict can happen from within and without us knowing it.


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